2023-2024 Registration Package & Parent Guide:

Registration Package and Parent Guide 2023 – 2024

Rules of the Club / Expectations of Members

  1. Rules of safety, courtesy and self-discipline must be observed at all times by parents, gymnasts, coaches and all visitors.

  2. Gymnasts are expected to arrive at the gym on time for scheduled practices.  If they are unable to attend practices or will be late please email your daughter’s coach or phone ahead and advise the coaches on the gym line: Maple 905 335-1765 / Mainway 905-335-1765.

  3. Parents, friends or relatives are not permitted in the gym training area. If you have questions concerning the program, your child or any other gymnast, please contact your coach before or after practices, or email them to arrange a meeting time. You are expected to support the coach(es) and not interfere with his/her efforts to coach. Please respect and follow the appropriate lines of communications.

  4. Proper apparel should be worn for all practices.  Artistic gymnast’s workout attire should consist of a gym suit over which gym shorts may be worn.  Rhythmic gymnast’s workout attire should consist of a tank or shirt, shorts, leggings or a 1 piece gym suit.  Articles of clothing that are left in the gym go to the Lost and Found Box. Unclaimed items will be disposed of or donated to charity periodically throughout the year. THE CLUB IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOST ITEMS.

  5. Girls with long hair must keep it tied back during practices.  Jewelry should not be worn.  Valuables are to be left at home.  THE CLUB IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOST ITEMS.

  6. Eating and drinking are not allowed in the gym and change rooms except water bottles.  Candy, gum. etc. are not to be brought into the gym.  Food is allowed in the lounge and kitchen area only.  A microwave is available if required.

  7. Litter can be a problem in the gym and throughout the building.  Please be responsible and deposit trash in the cans provided to keep the building clean or take your garbage home for disposal.

  8. The office phone is for emergency use only.  Please make transportation arrangements in advance so that your child does not have to call home.

  9. Gymnasts are not permitted to leave the building during or after practice without authorized adult accompaniment. Parents are expected to pick up / have your daughter picked up promptly at the end of each session.

  10. Effective communication is dependent on timely notice and response. We will use various communication tools including: bulletin boards, notices, newsletters, email, and website to ensure everyone is apprised of all important club information. Please check the sources listed above on a regular basis.  We further ask that you take the time to read this information carefully and to respond quickly, if requested.

  11. It may be necessary at certain times during the season to rearrange, cancel or adjust the gymnast’s training schedule.  On occasion, a class may have to be rescheduled to a different day and/or time to accommodate a meet, trip or clinic. The club and coaches will endeavor to reschedule missed classes, but cannot guarantee based on the busy gym schedule.  We trust you will understand if such adjustments are necessary.

  12. Specific information about your child’s program should be directed to your daughter’s coach (i.e. absences, personal matters, etc.) or Parent Representative (meet dates, ordering gym suits, etc.).

  13. Questions regarding participation hours should be directed to your Parent Representative or the Participation Coordinator.

  14. Please be positive and discreet with all methods of communication.

  15. Please act as a positive parental role model for the gymnasts and as an ambassador for the Burlington Gymnastic Club Inc.

  16. Please monitor behavior of siblings/guests at the gym.

  17. Please be aware that the change room at Maple is for females only during Competitive Training/Events.  It may be used by males during Recreational Events.

  18. Please be supportive of BGC activities and fulfill all commitments.

  19. Report any incidents with respect to park patrons to staff and if you feel threatened in any way please contact the police immediately at 905-825-4777.

  20. Picture Policy: All photos (from competitions, special events, etc.) of gymnasts MUST be sent to the gymnasts coach for approval. The coach may then forward photos for posting to social media.

  21. Photography: please note there is NO photography or video by athletes, parents or guests allowed at either the Maple or Mainway facilities due to privacy, safety and confidentiality.

  22. Cell Phone Policy: Gymnasts are not to use cell phones when in the gym training. When they enter the gym to train, cell phones must be kept with personal belongings during training.  Gymnasts may use their cell phone at break but NO video or pictures are to be taken or social media posts in BGC facilities including break time (whether it is inside the building or outside). Cell phones must be put away following break. The use of cell phones or electronic devices in the changeroom area is strictly prohibited. BGC is not responsible for any lost or stolen cell phones


The Burlington Gymnastics Club works hard to ensure communication is open, two-way and respectful. Our coaches, employees and volunteers do their best to address all questions. 

To streamline communication for our parents and families, please be guided by the following:


Questions concerning… First Point of Contact/ Location of Information Next Step if First Attempt was Unsuccessful

Participation Opportunities (what, when, how to participate, etc.)


Your parent representative



Participation Coordinator 



Participation hours you have completed and recorded to date





Hours are tracked regularly by the registrar







Artistic Co-Chairs 

cmcwagchair2@bgcgym.com or cmcwagchair@bgcgym.com

or Rhythmic Co-chairs




Volunteer opportunities for the Meets hosted by BGC

Mandatory Meet Hours Required


Volunteer opportunities are sent out via Sign Up Genius (an online site) approximately 2 weeks before each Meet


Participation Coordinator 




The competition schedule


Your daughter’s coach


Your Head Coach


Track suit and/or gym suit ordering 


Your Parent Representative


Your Co-Chair



Studio Director; payments, registration



Competitive Administrator



Club Administrator 



Accounts in arrears, financial hardship



Executive Director



Executive Director 




Anything to do with your daughter’s gymnastics training (i.e. skills, competition level, progress) Your daughter’s coach Your Head Coach

Track Jackets & Gym Suits

Every other year the Burlington Gymnastics Club changes its Tracksuits and Gym Suits (i.e. new tracksuits one year; new gym suits the following year).

Track Jackets –  Artistic & Rhythmic

  • For the 2023-24 season, all athletes require a new competitive track jacket.

  • New rhythmic gymnasts in the National or Provincial stream should speak with their parent rep or Head Coach for this year’s requirements. Track suits are not required for Developmental and Interclub rhythmic gymnasts.

  • We do our best to give families as much notice as possible about the measurement dates, however; there are times when short notice cannot be avoided if a special offer is provided by the vendor (i.e. reduced cost if payment is made by a certain date).

  • Families in need of a new competitive track jacket will be required to submit full payment via Studio Director at the time of measuring.

Competition Gym Suits – Artistic Only

  • There is not a new competitive leotard for the 2023-24 season. Athletes will use their 2022-23 leotard.

  • New BGC gymnasts and developmental gymnasts (Artistic only) will be required to purchase the current style leotard this year.

Competition Suits – Rhythmic Only

  • The Rhythmic Head Coach will advise on competition suit(s) for your daughter.

  • Prices for Rhythmic suits can vary greatly from $100 –  $400+ each.

  • Most years we have a suit swap in September/October.

AODA Training:

Please be advised in order for BGC to maintain compliance with AODA, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act all BGC members including parent volunteers and Volunteers In Training are required to complete the training modules listed below. Upon completion of the two modules listed below please fill out the certificate at the end of the parent guide and email it to the Executive Director, Linda Olimer (exec.dir@bgcgym.com) Please note all volunteers will receive one general volunteer hour for the completion of AODA Training.

Accessibility training booklet for staff and volunteers


AODA Training Attestation Form